Hans Larssen Stenoien is the son of Lars Olssen Stenoien and Marta Rebekka Pedersdatter Gilset who leased the Stenoien (Stone Island – Sten oyen) farm in Stordal, Meråker, Nord Trondelag, Norway. Lars worked for the Selbu Copperworks factory, as did most of the tenant farmers in Stordal at that time. Below is a remarkable image of Lars Olssen Stenoien in front of the Stenoien home in Stordal Nord Trondelag, Norway approximately 1879.

This photo of Lars Olssen Stenoien, pictured in front of the barn, was given to me in 1983 by Norwegian relatives. Look at the thatched roof (about 1879).
He was born May 7, 1832. He is the younger brother of Beret Larsdatter (married Jens Arnesen Grontvedt) who settled in Polk Co, MN. He is the younger brother of my direct ancestor, Peder Larssen Stenoien, who married Ingeborg Johannesdatter and settled in Gordon Township, Todd Co in 1879. Siblings Ola Larssen Stenoien, Marit Larsdatter Stenoien and John Larssen Skomakermo stayed in Norway.
Hans Larssen Stenoien (7/5/1832 – 1910), the younger brother of my ancestor, Peder Larssen Stenoien was the earliest Norwegian immigrant in our family. He married Marit Pedersdatter Stordal (April 10, 1836 -11/11/1911) on 11/1/1856 in Norway. According to the 2000 census, he and his wife arrived in 1865. They settled initially in Wanamingo, Goodhue Co, MN. The great Indian uprising in the 1860’s ended in 1866. Only then were settlers able to safely move into Todd County. The family moved to Little Sauk Township in 1871, settling near Maple lake, five miles to the northwest of Little Sauk. The area was heavily wooded, and in the early years Indians were often seen hunting in the woods. The men often went away in the summers to work on the railroad while the wives and families stayed home working the farm. Hans was quite active in the local churches, initially Little Sauk and later Salem churches. In 1872, the Gordon Church was built. Hans Larson Stenoien was trustee of the church. Initially, it consisted of a cabin and was called the West Church, part of Little Sauk Church. It was incorporated November 26, 1878 as the Salem Church. By 1883, geographical considerations mandated building a new church to the southwest, Sauk Valley Church. The Stordal congregation stayed stayed at Salem. The Augsburg strife, as well as conflict within the church regarding expansion, did finally split the congregation in 1896. The Stordal group built the modern Salem Church building. Hans Larson Stenoien furnished lumber for the pulpit in 1899. Hans was the “klokker,” or lead singer for Gordon (later Salem) church. All of the children were baptized and confirmed in the Lutheran Church. Most of his Stordal relatives settled in Gordon Township to the west. Hans raised his family during a very difficult time economically. The long depression of 1873-1879, panic of 1893 and panic of 1907 led to widespread bank failures and high unemployment. This eventually led to the establishment of the Federal Reserve Bank in 1913.
The first four children were born in Norway. Kjerstin Feb 1, 1957; Martha Rebekka Feb 16, 1859; Lars Mar 7, 1861; Anna July 19, 1863; In 1865, Hans Larssen, Marit and the children immigrated to Goodhue County, Minnesota. They probably sailed to Quebec, and traveled overland via train to southern Minnesota. There were many established Norwegian farmers here, and this served as an opportunity to earn some cash in order to be able to start one own’s farm.
While in Goodhue County, Nellie Pauline Larson was born Dec 3, 1865 and baptized on Jan 6, 1866 at Holden Lutheran Church in Kenyon, Goodhue County. Son Ole Larson was born (1866 – 1869) and died while they were residing there. Ole Hanson Larson was born Jan 5, 1870.
In 1871, the family moved to Little Sauk, Todd County, MN settling near Maple Lake. These were difficult times. The late 19th century was the setting for the Long Depression of 1873 – 1879. 18,000 thousand businesses went bankrupt, including 89 railroads.
In the 1875 census, Hans Larssen, Marit, Kirstie, Martha, Lars, Anne, Nelle, Ole and Henry are listed.
In the 1880 federal census, Hans Larson, Mary, Lars, Nellie, Ole, Henry M, Johnny and Betsy S are listed. Kirsti and Martha have married. There is a 16 year old Annie Larson, single servant girl born in Norway, listed in nearby Sauk Centre, MN working for Hendry, a grocier. To date, that is the last trace I have of her.
In the 1885 Minnesota census, Hans Larsen, Marit, Ole 16, Henry M 11, Peter J 8 and Betsy 6. The prosperity of the 1880’s was short-lived. A second serious depression was kicked off by the panic of 1893, ending in 1897. 15,000 businesses failed, and numerous farms ceased operations. Over 1/4 of all railroads were in receivership by 1894.
In the 1895 census, Hans Larsen, Marit, Ole 25, John 18 and Bedsy Lina 16.
When the Salem church split, The Larson family joined the Sauk Valley Congregation. Lars is buried at the Salem church cemetery (Lars H Larson). The 1920 census lists Katie Stenoien 61, Peter Larson 31, Carry M Larson 29, Selmer G Larson 22, Clarence J Larson 17 and grandson Russell Larson (Goodrie) 5 living in Little Sauk, Todd Co, MN. The 1930 census now Hennepin County Kate now Larson 71, Sam Larson 32, Clarence Larson 27, Carrie Larson 38 and Clara Larson 26 daughter-in-law.
Kjersten ‘Katie’ Hanson was born Feb 1, 1857 in Meråker, Nord Trondelag, Norway, baptized on Mar 1, 1857. Since she was born in Norway, her father’s name Hans was her formal last name. She immigrated to Goodhue County, MN in 1865. Thomas arrived with his family in 1881, settling in West Union, Todd County. Kjersti married Thomas (Gudmundson) Thompson (oldest child of John Johanes Rotvold and Ingeborg Jonsdatter Gillan on 13 December, 1885 in Gordon township. They moved from Gordon Township to Grand Prairie, later Grand Forks, ND (1900 Census). In the 1900 census, husband Thomas Thompson is listed as a hotel keeper. In addition to wife Kattie, Gilbert J (b Nov 1886), Hattie M (Feb 1889), Tilda Josefine (Apr 21, 1892,), Liljen Karolina (Apr 21, 1892), Ida G (Dec 1894), Otis Melvin (Jun 30, 1897) and Clara Serine (Jan 21, 1900) are listed as well as sister Matilda Thompson (Feb 1884), boarders and servants. It is interesting that Otis and Clara were baptized in Gordon township in 1900, while the family lived in Grand Forks, ND. In the 1910 census, the family lived together in Grand Forks, ND. Thomas, Katie and Hattie were grocery clerks, Gilbert 23 worked in the wholesale grocery business and Tillie,18 was a dry goods clerk. Thomas Thompson is listed in the honor roll for purchasing a $50 Victory Bond. Katie Thompson was quite active in the Ladies Aid guild for the first Lutheran Church, mentioned several times in the local Grand Forks newspaper. Times seemed to take a drastic turn for the worst after the death of Lillian in December 1918 of pneumonia. Thomas Thompson died in Walsh Co, ND in 1920,. No additional articles can be found in the paper after 1919. Katie Thompson died Jan 18, 1943 in Hennepin County, Minnesota.
Children of Kate and Thomas:
- Gilbert Ingeman Thompson was born Nov 7, 1886 in West Union, Todd Co, MN. He is listed as living with the family in the 1900 and 1910 census (wholesale grocer in the latter). On his WWI draft card in 1917 Gilbert worked for the railroad as a bridge constructor, had two bad thumbs and claimed exemption. He was a carpenter. He was inducted at Grand Forks on July 22, 1918; sent to Camp Custer, Mich.; served in 160th Depot Brigade, up to discharge. Grade: Corporal, Sept. 18, 1918. Discharged at Camp Custer, Mich., on Nov. 24, 1918, as a Corporal. He is listed as living with his parents in Grand Forks, ND in 1920. Gilbert died at Williston, ND in Williams County on Aug. 3, 1922 aged 35. He is buried at Osakis, Minn. He did not marry.
Hattie Munda Thompson was born Feb 4, 1889 in West Union, Todd Co, MN. in the 1900 census, she is living with her family in Grand Forks. She married David Andrew Nelson (1885 – 1941) on Jun 6, 1910. From the Grand Forks Herald Newspaper – The wedding of Miss Hattie Thompson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Thompson of 224 Chestnut St, and David A Nelson, rental clerk in the offices of EJ Lander and CO, which occurred at 5 o’clock Saturday afternoon was one of the most complete surprises of the season. Though the happy event had been anticipated by friends, not even the bride’s relatives were informed of the day and hour and that evening the happy couple left for Alexandria and Osakis, MN to enjoy a three weeks honeymoon. On their return they will reside on Cherry St. Jun 23, 1910: Bridal Couple Surprised – A party of more than sixty intimate friends of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Nelson gave them a complete and delightful surprise last evening at the home of Mrs. Nelson’s parents on Chestnut St. It will be remembered were quietly married recently without telling a single soul and went on their honeymoon, just returning a few days ago. Not until last evening were their friends given opportunity to extend congratulations and good wishes and this they did by presenting them with a complete dinner set of the finest Haviland china and a silver set of knives and forks. The guests were then entertained until a late hour with music, song and refreshments and Mr. Nelson responded with an impromtu speech which he entitled “How Happy I Am.” Guests included T. Thompson, Lilly Thompson, Clara Thompson, Ida Thompson, Tillie Thompson and Gilbert Thompson. Katie and Otis did not attend.
In the 1920 census, the family is living in Ferry, Grand Forks, ND. In 1930 the family had moved to Minot, ND. David was a livestock loan agent at that time. David Nelson died in 1941, Hattie Nelson in 1951. Both are buried in Rosehill Memorial Park in Minot, ND.
Oldest son, Russell Andrew Nelson MD (born May 13, 1913, died May 19, 2001) earned his bachelor’s degree from the University of Minnesota in 1933 and transferred to its medical school to Hopkins Medical School in 1935, after a physician in Minot, ND helped to underwrite his tuition and expenses. He received his medical degree from Johns Hopkins Medical School in Baltimore, MA in 1937 at age 24. In addition to his work as an administrator, retained an interest in clinical research. He published papers on penicillin therapy for syphilis and articles on hospital management and health care. In 1939, he married Ruth Jeffcoat, a nurse whom he met at Hopkins hospital. During his 38 years at Hopkins, he was an intern, resident, staff member and assistant director. At age 39, he was named director of the hospital, the fourth since the hospital’s founding in 1889. He headed the American Hospitals Association, the Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Hospitals and the Association of American Medical Colleges. In retirement, he had lived in Key Biscayne, Fla; he moved to Naples in 1986.
- Tilda Josefine ‘Tillie’ Thompson born April 21,1892, baptized May 6, 1992 in West Union, Todd Co, MN. Tilda never married. In the 1910 census, Tilda was living with her family, she worked as a clerk in a dry goods business. In the 1920 census, she was living with her family in Grand Forks, ND, a sales lady in a shoe store. In the 1930 census, she is living in Minneapolis as a Saks Lady, selling ready to wear women’s clothing. Tilda died in 1937 at the age of 45.
- Liljen (Lillian) Karolina Thompson was also born April 21,1892, baptized May 6, 1892 in West Union, Todd Co, MN. She was twin to sister Tilda. In the 1910 census, Lillian lived with the family, she did not work at the time. She died of pneumonia in three days, most likely influensa (the great influensa pandemic of 1918 – 1919.)
There are a number of articles published in the Grand Forks depicting prosperous times for the Thompson family. Articles courtesy of the Grand Forks Herald:
Apr 22, 1910: Evening birthday party. Misses Tillie and Lillian Thompson entertained last evening at the home of their parents on Chestnut St in honor of their birthdays. Twenty guests made up the merry company and music and song contributed to the pleasures of a happy evening. At the close, a dainty refreshment was enjoyed.
Jan 29, 1914: Pleasantly surprised. Mrs. TK Ahlroth was pleasantly surprised yesterday afternoon by a number of ladies who gathered at her home on Cottonwood to spend the afternoon with her. The hours were spent in visiting and sewing, and a dainty luncheon was served. Those present included RM Jenson, Torger Jenson, OB Dahl, Gust Eastlund, DA Nelson, Miss Ida Thompson and Lillian Thompson.
Jan 6, 1917: Mrs. DA Nelson and children, returned to her home in Manvel after spending the holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Thompson, N 7th St. Miss Lillian Thompson accompanied Mrs. Nelson to Manvel, and will remain with her a few days.
Dec 11, 1918; Lillie Thompson dies at Manvel, is sick 3 Days – Lillian K Thompsosn, daughter of Mr and Mrs Thomas Thompson, 111 N 7th St, died last evening at the home of her sister, Mrs. DA Nelson on Manvel. She was 26 years of age and for the past several years had been employed in the First State Bank of Manvel. The deceased leaves besides her parents, a twin sister, Tillie, of Bismarck, and three other sisters, Clara of this city, Mrs. DH Lechner of Bismarck, and Mrs. DA Nelson of Manvel. She is survived by two brothers, Otis Thompson, with the AEF in France, and Gilbert, who returned recently from Camp Custer.
Dec 13, 1918: Remains to Osakis – the body of Lillian Thompson, well known young woman who died of pneumonia, will be shipped to Osakis, MN for burial. A short service was held at the Norman undertaking parlors this morning.
- Ida Gurine Thompson was born Dec 30, 1894 in Long Prairie, Todd Co, MN. She lived with her family in Grand Forks, ND and is listed in the 1900 and 1910 census. Miss Ida Gurine Thompson married Bertice Harvey Lechner on Sept 2, 1918 in Bismarck, ND. In the 1920 census, She is living with her son Bertis Lechner in her parents household in Grand Forks, ND. In the 1930 census, the family is living in Cass, Fargo, ND with sons Bertis H, 11 and Victor G, 8. Bertis is a commercial traveler, a shoe salesman. Ida is listed as a deputy in insurance. Recall that the world has now entered the great depression. Bertis died on Apr 20, 1938. In the 1940 census, Ida lechner is living with son Bertis 21, Victor 18, William 9, Robert 5 as well as sister Clara Dash , 40 and her son Gerald Money, 21 in Fargo, ND. Ida “Kitty” Lechner died in Jan 1975 in Fargo, ND at the age of 81. She is buried at Riverside Cemetery.
- Otis Melvin Thompson was born in West Union, Todd Co, MN on Jun 30, 1897. He is listed on the census with the family in Grand Forks in 1900 and 1910. He is a veteran of the first world war. He enlisted in Company M, 1st infantry, North Dakota National Guard (Company M, 164th Infantry). He was stationed in France Dec 14, 1917 to April 28, 1919, engaged in Defensive Sector: Ile de France. Discharged to Camp Dodge, Iowa on May 15, 1919, Private 1st Class, Certificate of disability 10%. Published in the Grand Forks Herald: Apr 29, 1919: Otis M Thompson has arrived in Boston from overseas, according to a message received by father Thomas Thompson, 111 N 7th St. Thompson left Grand Forks with Company M and has been in active service in France.
He married Rose A. Pariseau of Joliette, ND on Aug 15, 1920. From the Grand Forks Herald: August 20, 1920 – Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Thompson, 111 N 7th St, are entertaining as their guests their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Otis M. Thompson of Bowesmont. Mrs. Thompson was Miss Rose Pariseau of Joliet, ND before her marriage which took place in Joliet ND last week. After a visit in Grand Forks Mr. Thompson will take his bride to Fargo.
In the 1930 census, Otis and Rosa A Thompson are living in Pembina, Cavalier Co, ND. Laurraine is 6. Mother-in-law Albeina Pariseau is living with the family.
In the 1940 Census, Otis M Thompson, wife Rose Ann, Loraine E (15) and Carol Ann (4) are living in Havre, Hill Co, Montana. Otis is assistant superintendant of the US custom patrol. Rose Ann and daughters all born in Calvalier Co, ND.
Otis Melvin Thompson died Sep 30, 1954 in Seattle, King Co, WA. after a lengthy illness. He was a customs agent in Seattle. He is survived by Carole Ann Thompson of Seattle and Mrs. William Bronson , Havre, MO. - Clara Serine Thompson was born Jan 21, 1900 in West Union, Todd Co, MN. She was baptized at Stordal Lutheran Church in Gordon 25 March, 1900. Shortly thereafter, the family relocated to Grand Forks, ND. She is living with her family in both the 1910 and 1920 census in Grand Forks, ND. She and her partner Gerald Joseph Monley bore a son, Gerald John Monley, born on May 20, 1918 and baptized May 24, 1918 at United Lutheran Church. I am unable to located her son in the 1920 census (Clara was living with her parents and Gerald Joseph with his). In the 1925 North Dakota census, Thomas Thompson,65, Kate Thompson 67 and Gerald J. Monley 6 are living together. There is a 1928 border crossing indicating that Clara was returning from Canada after collecting money owed. In the 1930 census, there is a Norwegian married man, Fred B Das, Clara is a lodger in Cass Co, Fargo, ND. In the 1940 census, Clara Dash, mother and widow, and Gerald Monley 21 son, are living in the home of Ida and Bertis Lechner in Cass, Fargo, ND. I believe that Clara married Theodore E. Dash however have not been able to verify. Clara died in a sanitarium August 20, 1944, presumably tuberculosis, she is buried in Gordon Township, Osakis MN. Gerald John Monley moved to Los Angeles and married Bonnie Elizabeth Kilts. They had four children, Lynn Christina, Jill, Sara and Tess. John Monley died April 16, 1975 in Los Angeles, California.
Marta Rebekka Larson was born Feb 16, 1859 In Meraker, Nord Trondelag, Norway. She moved with her parents to Goodhue, MN in 1865, then Little Sauk Township, Todd CO, MN 1871. She is not living with her parents on the 1880 census. In the 1880 census, there is a Martha Larson, 21 working as a servant in Glyndon Village east of Fargo. Before 1883, Martha has arrived in Starbuck, Pope Co where she married Ole Bracken/Brekken (born Feb 11, 1856 in Norway, arrived in 1876 according to 1900 census). Ole Bracken’s father, Ole Simonson, was from Oppland, Nord Trondelag, Norway. Their first child, Hilda Marie, was baptized in the Glenwood Lutheran Church in Starbuck, Pope Co, MN. Records indicate that the family lived in Gordon Township, Todd Co at the time. In the 1885 census, Martha and Ole are living in Starbuck, Pope CO, MN (west of Osakis). In the 1900 census, Ole and Martha are living in Little Sauk Township with Hilda M 16, Mable F 10, Hazel K 8, Carl R 5, Louis A 1 and Clarence 6/12. In the 1910 census, Ole and Martha are in Little Sauk Township on the farm with Mable D 20, Karl R 15, Louis A 11 and Clarence L 10. In the 1920 census, Ole, Martha R, Mabel 29, Carl 24 and Clarence L 20 remain on the farm. Ole Bracken died on November 11, 1926 at the age of 70. In the 1930 census, Clarence Bracken owned the farm. His mother Martha, 71 and sister Mable 39 lived with them. Martha died on Oct 13, 1935 on the farm.
Children of Martha and Ole Bracken:
- Hilda Marie Bracken was born Apr 23, 1884 and baptized May 22, 1884 (Glenwood Lutheran Church). confirmed Sept 11, 1898. She lived on the farm in Little Sauk, Todd Co on the 1900 census. Hilda and Daniel James O’Connor had a daughter, Martha Leota O’Connor born Jan 29, 1915 and a son Harold O’Connor born Mar 11, 1917. There is a Daniel O’Connor deceased Oct 30, 1916. In 1920, she is listed as Hilda M O’Connor, living in Meadow Point, King Co, WA alone. Her occupation is office work, in a Labor Union office. She was a widow at the time of her second married to George E Meyers in Vancouver, WA on Sept 8, 1924. In the 1930 census, Hilda O’Connor is living with daughter Martha 15, son Harold 13 mother-in-law Mary Doty. In 1940, Hilda was a secretary at the Dry Cleaners Union Hall. Martha, named after her grandmother, worked in a laundry. She married Anthony Park in Seattle in 1948.Harold was a dairyman who worked at an ice cream factory.
- Mable Torine Bracken was born Feb 25, 1889, baptized April 6, 1890 at Little Sauk Lutheran Church in Todd Co, MN. She lived on the family farm on the 1920 census, age 29, as well as the 1930 census. At the time of the 1940 census, she was living with Andrew Hendrickson 80, and nephew Michael Hendrickson 56 in Kandota Township, Stearns Co. She apparently married Andrew, as she died on June 5, 1952 in Hennepin Co, Mabel Hendrickson. She had no children.
- Hazel Barbara Bracken was born November, 1891 in Little Sauk Township, Todd Co, MN. She is living on the family farm in 1900, in the 1910 census Hazel is a servant girl for a Swedish family in Seattle, WA. In 1911, Hazel married Louis Haeckl, 25 years her senior in Multnomah, Oregon Louis was born about 1868 in the Tahiti Islands. Martha Joan was born 1912, Mary Jane 1917. In the 1920 census, the family is living in King Co, WA. Louis is a cook in a restaurant. Interestingly, in 1925 the family is back in Gordon Township as daughter Martha Joan Haeckl was confirmed Nov 1, 1925 at Salem Lutheran Church. Martha was born Oct 3, 1912, baptized Apr 14, 1922. In the 1930 census, Louis is living in Napa Valley with sister and brother. Hazel is living in Osakis, MN with daughters Martha and Mary Jane. She is a cook in a restaurant. From the St. Cloud Times June 4, 1936: Mr. and Mrs. Bert Olson of St. Cloud were the attendants at a wedding of a prominent couple in Osakis on Sunday afternoon, May 31. Miss Mary Jane Haeckl, daughter of Mrs. Hazel Haeckl and Philip Barrette, son of Mr. And Mrs. Harry Barrette of Osakis, exchanged vows at the home of the bridegrooms parents, when Rev Clare of Villard performed a double ring ceremony. The bride wore an atrractive gown of yellow with white accessories, the dress made floor length. Her shoulder bouquet was of tea roses, and sweet peas in yellow and orchid. Mr. and Mrs. Barrett will make their home in Clear Lake where the bridegroom is employed. In 1940, Hazel is widowed, a housekeeper in Leslie Township, Todd Co. On April 1, 1950, Hazel married widower Erick Jonas Peterson. Hazel died in Hennepin Co, MN Jan 19, 1959. She is buried in Lakeside Cemetery in Osakis, MN.
- Carl Rudolf Bracken was born Nov 6, 1894. He was baptized at Little Sauk Lutheran Church, faddere John and Lina Stenoien. He was working in Towner, ND when he was inducted at Cando, Sept 18, 1917. He was sent to Camp Dodge, Iowa and served in Battery A, 338th Field Artillery to Dec 13, 1918. Then Veterinary Replacement Unit to Jan 1, 1919, then Veterinary hospital No 10 to discharge. He served overseas from Aug 18, 1918 to June 21, 1919. In 1920, Carl was back on the farm in Little Sauk with parents. Discharged Private. Carl died Oct 31, 1924.
- Louis/Lewie Arthur Bracken was born Oct 1, 1899 in Little Sauk Township,Todd Co, MN. Lewie lived with his family on the farm at the time of the 1900 and 1910 census (11 years old, home farmer). Lewie married Christina Rodland prior to 1922. In the 1920 census, Lewis is living in Springfield, Towner, ND as a hired man. His wife to be, Christy Rodland, also lived in Springfield Township. In the 1925 census, Lewie, Christina, Orris and Orlando are living in Pierce Co, ND. In the 1930 census, Lewie Bracken is living with wife Christina 29, Orris son 9, Orlando son 6, Irene 3, Dolores 1 1/12 in Springfield, Towner, ND. I cannot locate him in the 1940 Census. Lewie and Christina Bracken had seven children: Orris Marvin (1922-2003), Orlando Odeen (1923 – 2008), Irene Lucille (1927 – 2000) married Orvin Bruce Lysne, Delores Crystal (1929 – 2015) married Le Roy Lunde, Lyle Carl (1934 – 2018) married Beatrice Lemer and Roger D (1939 – 2018).
- Clarence Leo Bracken was born Nov 29, 1899 in Little Sauk Township, Todd Co, MN. He was baptized 4 Feb, 1900 at Stordal Lutheran Church in Gordon Township. Clarence, the youngest, stayed on the farm and is listed on the census rolls. In 1930, mother Martha, sister Mable and Clarence lived on the farm. Clarence married Bernice Marian Olson on Oct 3, 1936. On the 1940 census, Clarence, Bernice, daughter Beverly C 3, and Bernice’s uncle John Larson uncle 63, are living on the farm. Clarence died Oct 8, 1978 is is buried at Salem Lutheran Church. Bernice died June 13, 1998, also buried Salem Lutheran Church. They had a single daughter, Beverly Claris, who married Herman Clarence Rustad (Ronald, Barbara and Brenda).
Lars (Hanson Stenoien) Larson was born March 7, 1861 in Meraker, Norway. He arrived in 1865, the family settling initially in Goodhue Co, MN. In 1871 the family moved to Little Sauk Township, Todd Co. In the 1880 census, Lars is listed at home with his parents. Lars married Kjersti/Kirsten Pederson Stenoien (born May 1858 in Meraker, Norway), on Nov 25, 1880 at Salem Church. Kirsti was the fifth child of Peder and Ingeborg Larssen Stenoien, first cousin to Lars. They arrived in 1879 on the Steamship Tasso from Norway. Lars and Kirsti farmed in Gordon Township. To give you a little idea of name changing, he is listed as Stenoien in the 1905 census and is listed as Lars H Larson on his tombstone in the Salem cemetery. Makes for challenging geneology detective work! All of their children took the name Larson. Lars Stenoien was one of the first to have a binder in his neighborhood, and the neighbors flocked there to satisfy their curiosity and to watch the new machine perform. But when Daniel Danielson Sr. noticed that the camwheel on the binder had stopped ever so often, he rushed up grabbing it to make it turn and had four fingers cut off his hand! When the Salem church split, the famiily joined the Sauk Valley Congregation. Lars H Larson died 9 April, 1915 and is buried in the Salem Cemetery. The 1920 census lists Katie Stenoien, Peter 31, Carry M 29, Selmer G 22, Clarence J 17 and grandson Russell Larson (Goodrie). In 1930, Kate Larson is living in Minneapolis with Sam 32, Clarence 27, Carrie 38 and daughter in law Clara 26. In the 1940 census, Kate Larson is living with Mary Goodrie, Russel Goodrie, Ralph Stenoien, Carrie Larson 49. Kirsti Pedersdatter Larson died Jan 18, 1943 and is buried at Salem Church.
Children of Lars and Kirsti Larson
- Marie/Mari Larson (was born August 11, 1881 in Gordon Township. She was confirmed in 1897 Salem Church. She completed the third grade. By the time of the 1900 census, Mari is no longer living with the family. I cannot find her in either the 1900 or 1910 census lists. Prior to 1914, Marie moved to Grand Forks, ND, where her younger sister Martha and husband Frank Goodrie lived. There, she met Alex Goodrie, Frank’s unlce. To Marie Larson and Alex Goodrie were born twins, Ralph and Russell, on June 20, 1914. Being a single woman, adopted son Ralph Stenoien was placed with Ole P and Johanna Stenoien to raise in Gordon. Alex Goodrie was listed as 1/4 Indian on his WWI draft card. She married Alex Goodrie on Oct 1, 1919 in Hennepin, MN. The 1920 census lists Mary and Alex Goodrie on Plymouth Ave. Russell Goodrie was living with Lars and Kirsti Larson on the farm in 1920, Russell with Ole and Johanna Stenoien. Mary Goodrie is living with relatives in the 1930 census, listed as a widow. In the 1940 census, Mary Goodrie, mother Kate Larson, Carrie Larson and the twins, age 25, are living together in Minneapolis. Russell is a house to house salesman, Ralph a tractor mechanic. While Mary had a hard life, it is important to put into perspective that she lived through four depressions, and times were very difficult for those who did not own a farm, and even for some that did.
- Ingeborg Larson was born Dec 4, 1882 in Gordon Township, Todd Co, MN. She was confirmed in 1897 at Salem Lutheran Church. She lived on the farm with her family in the 1900 census. In the 1910 census, she lived in Gordon Township, married to Ole O. Johnson on Nov 21, 1902. Ingeborg and Ole Johnson had six children: Rose Ottilia Larson married Lawrence Iverson (Muriel Elaine Iverson), Cloyd Lester Johnson married Rose Elizabeth Tweet (Lauren Johnson, Dean Johnson, Arlou Johnson Trisco and Barbara Johnson Doman), Marvin Elroy Johnson married Cathryn Mechels (Beverly Inga Johnson, Rosella Jean Johnson), Cora Mildred Johnson married Everett Reddick (Collene E Reddick Kloos, Doris Jean Reddick Curtis, Kenneth Reddick Sr), Harry Benjamin Johnson married Bernice Marie Thompson (RIchard Allen Johnson, Robert Carlton, Johnson, Carole Marie Johnson) and Orpha Irene Johnson married Ben Matthew Smegal (Gregory Lynn Smegal). Ingeborg died July 10, 1959, Ole Johnson died Jun 26, 1962 in Osakis, Todd Co, MN.
- Karen Margrethe Larson was born Sept 25, 1884, baptized Oct 12, 1884 and died April 15, 1890, five years of age.
- Hans Stenoien Larson was born Sept 8, 1886 in Gordon Township, Todd Co. He was confirmed in 1901. He married Berntine Johnson. They had no children. They lived in Grand Forks, ND. In the 1920, 1930 and 1940 census, Hans is a janitor in an apartment complex. Hans completed the 7th grade.
- Peder Larson was born April 1, 1888. He was confirmed in 1902 at Salem Lutheran Church. Peter was inducted at in Divide Co, ND, Crosby on sept 18, 1917, sent to Camp Dodge, Iowa; served in Battery A, 338th field artilleray, to April 1, 1918; Company G, 327th Infantry to discharge. He was overseas from April 25, 1918 to May 18, 1919. He was wounded slightly on Oct 20, 1918. He participated in the St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne offensives; defensive sectors Lucey and Marbache (Lorraine). He was discharged at Camp Dodge, Iowa on May 26, 1919 as a private. In 1920, he was living with parents in Gordon Township. In 1930, he is a cobbler in nearby Osakis, Douglas Co. In 1940, he has moved to St. Paul and is a laborer in construction. He did not marry. He died Mar 12, 1976, age 88, and is buried at Salem Lutheran Church in Gordon Township.
- Karen Margrete Larson was born June 3, 1890 in Gordon Township, baptized June 29, 1890. She lived with the family on the census of 1900, 1910 and 1920. In the 1940 census, Carry Larson is living with her mother, Kate and older sister Mary Goodrie in Minneapolis. Carry did not marry. She died Dec 3, 1956 in Hennepin County age 66.
- Martha Rebekka Larson was born in 1893 in Gordon Township, Todd Co, MN. She lived with the family on the farm in the 1900 census. She is not listed on the 1910 census. She moved to Grand Forks, ND and married Frank Goodrie on March 12, 1913. From the Grand Forks Herald Apr 21, 1913 : Assault victims throat paralyzed and condition remains about the same – Still unconscious from his injury. Frank Goodrie tells different story of the affair – father deeply grieved. Joseph Getz, injured in a fight with Frank Goodrie Friday night, is still unconscious. He was taken to St. Michael’s hospital this morning and late this afternoon an operation will be performed in an effort to remove a blood clot which is believed to have formed on the brain. With his throat evidently paralyzed, the injured man is seemingly in worse condition than Saturday and yesterday. His face has turned almost black. Goodrie still in jail. Frank Goodrie, his assailant, is still in jail, being unable to secure bonds. Stories of the incident leading up to the fight between the two men vary. According to the version told by Joseph Goodrie, father of the accused boy, there was no preliminary squabble between the men in East Grand Forks as has been intimated. Frank, he says, came home Friday night about midnite and told him about having a fight with Getz. The boy explained that he was walking ahead of Getz when the latter grabbed the weapon, a .22 rifle, from his hand declaring that “he had no business carrying a gun.” Goodrie claims he demanded the return of the gun, and that a fight resulted. He says he hit Getz with his fist, , and not with the gun. The fall to the sidewalk, he contended, stunned Getz and is the cause of his present condition. The father is seemingly deeply aggrieved over the affair. As he related his story to a representative of The Times it was with difficulty that he held back tears. He says his boy has not been of a quarrelsome disposition but that he has, instead, been very steady. The father claims that his son did not hide Saturday. Friday night, when he came home, the father says, he told the boy to go down town again and find Getz. He returned later with the information that Getz had gone home. It was about 10 o’clock Saturday morning, he says, before they had any knowledge of a warrant, and as soon as they found Frank and told him about the warrant, he said he would give himself up. He suited the words by doing so Saturday afternoon. On June 26, he was acquitted of the charge of manslaughter brought about as a result of the death of Joseph Getz, whom he felled with a blow in a drunken quarrel. In the 1920 census, the family lived in Minneapolis, MN. Frank, Martha, Marie 7, Elizabeth 4 11/12 and Virginia 1 9/12 are listed. Frank was a teamster working in the coal yard. In the 1930 census, Frank and Martha are living with Marie, 17. Frank is a housing engineer working in construction. In the 1940 census, Frank, Martha, Marie 27, Elizabeth 25, Virginia 21 and Kenneth 16 are listed. Frank is a hoist engineer. Elizabeth married Clifford Kesling, Marie died May 1, 1977, Virginia Goodrie did not marry, died Dec 3, 1955 age 36, Kenneth Goodrie married Lila Erma West, one child Kenneth jr. Frank Goodry died Sept 21, 1967, Martha Jan 6, 1975 in Hennepin Co, MN.
- Karl Pauli Larson was born June 3, 1890 and baptized May 27, 1890 at Salem Church. He is living with his parents on the 1910 census. In 1920, he is listed as a sawyer in Falls Lake, Minnesota, single. By 1922, Carl had moved to Williams County, ND where he bought a farm, and soon married Gladys L. Corneliusen. They had one son, Gordon Chester Larson, born Jan 1 1922. The godparents were Corneliusen and Brakken. In the 1930 census, Carl is living with wife Gladys and son Gordon, 8 years old in Scorio, Williams, ND where many of the Gordon farmers had settled. Two of the Brakken families were farming nearby. In 1940 the family had relocated to Minneapolis, where they owned their own home. Carl clerked at Rosewing, in retail. Gladys was a spinner at a wholesale knitting company, while 18 year old Gordon was listed as a new worker. Carl P Stenoien died on January 14, 1971 in King County, Seattle, WA. I have no record that son Gordon married.
- Selmer George Larson was born May 5, 1897, in Gordon Township, Todd Co, MN. He was baptized June 7, 1897. In the 1905 census, the family is listed as Stenoien. In 1910, Selmer is living with his father, mother and siblings on the farm in Gordon Township. In 1918, on his WWI registration card, he is listed living RR2, Long Prairie, MN, working for his mother. In 1920, Selmer is living in Little Sauk with his mother and siblings. In 1930, the family has moved to Minneapolis. Selmer is single, living with his mother. He is a trucker. In 1940, Selmer is living in Minneapolis with wife Helen, Richard 9 and Ronald 6. He is listed as a laborer, working construction. Selmer Larson died in Alexandria, Douglas County, 1983, one year after his wife passed. Children Richard Leroy Larson married Yvonne Louise Larson, Ronald Selmer Larson married Rose Ann Rogers, Karen Arlinda Larson married Wallace Vincent Schlosser.
- Laura Karolina Larson was born May 14, 1900 in Gordon Township, Todd Co, MN. She was baptized at Salem Lutheran Church on May 27, 1900. She is listed as living with the family in 1910. In 1920, she has left the farm. A Laura Larson is noted on the 1920 census, single, listed as an ironer. In 1930, Laura has married Alphonse Garant and has a five year old daughter Marie Claire. Alphonse father, Joseph, is living with the family. In 1940, the family lives in Hennepin County. Alphonse is a switchman with the Stearns railroad, Laura is a waitress. Marie Claire is 15. Laura died July 3, 1971 in Hennepin Co, MN. Marie married John Robert Stinson (Laura Lee).
- Clarence Julius Larson was born August 3, 1902 in Gordon Township, Todd Co, MN. He was baptized at Salem Lutheran Church August 24, 1902. Clarence married Clara G. Kittelson in 1929. In the 1930 census, Clarence and Clara are living with his mother in Hennepin Co, MN. Clarence is a truck driver. In the 1940 census, Clarence and Clara Larson are living in Smoky Butte, Divide, ND on a farm. Clarence had an eighth grade education. Beverly Jean 9, Shelene Gail 6, Marilyn Anne 3 and Diana Claire 2/12 are listed. Shelene married Arthur William Halpin on 7, Feb 1959 in Hennepin County, MN (William Jay Halpin born 1960). Marilyn married Gerald Martin Herman on 13 June, 1959 in Hennepin Co, MN (Gerald Mark Herman born 26 Oct, 1960). Clarence died 8 April, 1983 in Hennepin County and is buried in Douglas County, West Evergreen Cemetery. Clara died 4 Dec, 2000 in Salem, OR and is buried next to her husband.
Anne Larson was born 19 July, 1863 in Stordal, Nord-Trondlag, Norway. She arrived with her parents and siblings in 1865, settling in Goodhue County. She is listed with her family in the 1875 Minnesota census, age 11. She was confirmed at Salem Church in 1878. (Anne Hansdatter Stenoien 13 Oct, 1878.). There is an Annie Larson listed as a servant in the 1880 Census in nearby Sauk Centre working for Ruth and Nicolus Hendry, a grocier. There are no additional records found on Anna.
Nellie Pauline Larson was born in Goodhue Co, MN on Dec 3, 1865 and baptized on Jan 6, 1866 at Holden Lutheran Church, Goodhue Co, MN (witnesses Lars Larsen Gjemse and Kirsti Olsdr), Nellie was confirmed at Salem Church, Gordon Township, Todd Co in 1881. She is listed on the 1875 Minnesota and 1880 federal census as living with her parents on the farm in Little Sauk Township near Maple Lake in Todd County. Knowing that her sisters spent time in East Grand Forks, Polk County, MN a search revealed that Nellie P Larsen married Berthin R Signalness (born 9 September, 1862) on May 15, 1889 in Pope County, MN. In the 1885 Minnesota census, Bert was living with his parents on their farm in Langhir Township, Pope County, MN. Her husband Bert died on Dec 4, 1891 and is buried at Fron Lutheran Church in Starbuck, Polk Co, MN. Bert and Nellie had no children. On August 28, 1893, Bert Signaless was granted a patent on a quarter of land (160 acres) for the northwest quarter of Section 27 in Township 49 of Range ten west of the fourth prinicpal meridian in Wisconsin, unfortunately posthumously. In 1894, Nellie B Signalness is listed in the Superior, Wisconsin city directory as a domestic. She may have been trying to work or sell her land patent, to which she was entitled. Superior, WI lies just south of Duluth, MN. The land was heavily wooded at the time. remember that the Panic of 1893 initiated a long depression , nearly as bad as the great depression. In 1895, Nellie B Signaless is living in Long Prairie, MN working as a servant in the home of her sister Martha (Larson) and Ole Brekken. From 1896 to 1904, Nellie Signaless is living in Duluth, MN, working as an ironer. She would have been 39 at the time. She is not listed on the 1900 census. I identify no later records for Nellie.
Ole Larson (1866 – 1869), born and died in Goodhue Co, MN.
Ole Hanson Larson was born 5 January, 1870 in Goodhue Co, MN. He was baptized on 10 March, 1879 in Goodhue County as Ole Stenoien, son of Hans Larsen Stenoien and Marit Pedersdatter. He moved with the family to Little Sauk Township and is listed on the 1875 and 1880 census, He was confirmed at Salem Church 1885. In 1894, Ole is head of household, a farmer, living in Vasa, Goodhue, MN. In the 1900 census, Ole H Larson is living in Buffalo Township, Marshall Co, SD. Ole married Climina Melissa Conant (born Pipestone, MN 27 Oct, 1879) in March, 1905 in Marshall, SD. In the 1910 census, Clarence and Climminie are on a mortgaged farm. Clarence 4, Lawrence S 3 and George C 1 are listed. In the 1920 census, Ole was a cream buyer. Clarence 14, Lawrence 12, Otis 10, James 8, Theodore 6, Cora 4 and Johnny 2 are listed. In the 1930 census, Ole is a teamster. James A 19, Theodore A 15, Dora M 14 and John E 12 are at home. In the 1940 census, only John Edward 22 remains at home. Ole Larson died 5 Jan, 1952; Climina 5 September 1973 in Britton, Marshall, SD. Clarence Larson married Mae Wicker on 14 October, 1933 (six children). Laurence Sylvester Larson married Fern Miller on 8 September, 1936 (Laurence and Clarence). George Otis Larson 15 September, 1909 – 20 March, 1991. James Avery Larson married Evelyn Mary Jennen (five children).
Henry Martin Larson (18 Mar, 1874 – 23 Nov, 1960), was living at the home of his sister, Martha and Ole Brekken in Long Prairie, MN during the 1895 census. Henry died in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho of congestive heart and renal failure. He was an engineer for the Great North Railroad. Henry married Annie Aas On 08 June, 1904 in Gordon Township. The family moved to Grand Forks, ND and resided there until at least 1935. In the 1940 census, the family has relocated to Coeur d’Alene Idaho.
Peter Johan (Johnny) Larson (27 November 1876 – 26 May, 1923), lived with his parents and brother Henry on the farm in the 1900 census. On 12 Sept, 1918, Johnny was living in Sioux Trail, Divide County ND. He was a farm laborer and listed as his closest relative his sister, Martha Brakken. He died in Douglas Co, MN.
Karen Margrethe Stenoien was born 25 May, 1879 in Gordon Township, a twin to Bedsy Lina. She died 25 July, 1879 and is buried at Salem Church.
Bedsy Lina Larson was born 25 May, 1879 in Gordon Township, twin to Karen Margrethe. Both twins were baptized by a preacher of the Delavan congregation 25, May, 1879. Bedsy was confirmed in 1893 at Salem Church. On 6 November, 1897, Betsy Lina Larson married Peter Johnson at Stordal Lutheran Church. Peter Johnson Storoien was born 21 Aug 1859 in Stordal. He first married Gidsken Rotvold (1852 – 1894) and had three sons Joseph 1883, Peter 1889 and Martin 1892. In the 1900 census, Peter is 40, with sons Peter 11 and Iven Martin 8 from a prior marriage. Henry M 1 and Carla J 4/12 are listed in the census. In the 1910 census, the family is living in Gordon Township. Martin is still on the farm. Children Henry 11, Carla 10, Clarence 7, Pearl 5, Norman 3 and Jeffrey 1 are listed. On the 1920 census, Peter and Lina, Henry M 21, Paul L 18, Norman R 13, Jeffrey M 10, Lawrence H 9, Roy M 7, Carla J 20 and Pearl J Johnson are listed. On the 1930 census, Peter and Lina B Johnson, Henry M 31, Pauli L 28, Jeffrey M 21 and Lawrence H 19 are resident on the farm. Peter Johnson died 13 Dec, 1937. On the 1940 census Lena Johnson 60, youngest son Le Roy 17 and living with son Henry Johnson and wife Anna, with children Alden 6 and Phyllis Johnson 2.
- Henry Melvin Johnson was born 27, Nov 1898. He married Anna Sofie Peterson March, 1932 at Little Sauk Lutheran Church. He died 20, Sept 1964 and is buried at Salem Lutheran Church. Son Alden Norbert Johnson born 4 Nov 1933 (married Hilda Clarine Kostad), Daughter Phyllis Lucille was born 22 Sept, 1937 (married Donald Earl Peterson).
- Carla Josephine Johnson was born 7 Jan, 1900, died 23 May, 1984 in Seattle. She married Leland L Smith 1891 – 12 December, 1979 in Seattle, WA) on 26 June, 1924 in Todd County, MN. In the 1930 census, Carla and Leland are living in Seattle, WA with Raymond Leroy 3 and Thelma J 1. Leland, a cook in a hotel, was born in Oregon. In the 1940 census, Leland is a cook and Carla a seamstress, living with the two children. Raymond married Alice Darchuck and died 7 Nov, 1973 in Los Angeles. He served in the Navy in WWII. Thelma did not marry and died 3 March, 2013.
- Paul Leonard Johnson was born 22 May, 1901 and lived on the family farm up to the time of the 1930 census. He was confirmed in 1915 at Salem Lutheran Church. Paul married Minnie Holum on 21 June, 1936 in Seattle, WA. In the 1940 census, Paul L and Minnie H Johnson are living with daughter Elizabeth (2). Paul is a truck driver. Paul died 16 May, 1947. Elizabeth Lois Marie Johnson married Robert Cowie, a Canadian, in 1960 and had three sons, Steven, David and Gordon. Elizabeth died 8 September, 2016 in Vancouver, British Columbia.
- Clarence Arthur Johnson was born 7 July, 1902 and is listed as living with the family on the 1920 census. On 4 October, 1928 Clarence married Gunda Rodland in Minneawaukan, Benson Co, ND near Devil’s lake. In the 1930 census, Clarence and Gunda live with newborn son Lester on a rented farm in Leeds, Benson, ND. In the 1940 census, Clarence is a laborer for Nordhunger Supply Company of Leeds, Benson, ND; Lester 10, Odella 9, Marilyn 7, Doris 6, Curtis 4, Ruth 2 and Infant 6/12. Gunda Maline (17 July, 1905 – 15 September, 1944) died in childbirth at the age of 44 (infant Gerald Roy Johnson Magalee). Clarence died 3 June, 1959 age 59. Lester married Carolyn A Cooper 24 December, 1952 , then Janet Marie Morell in 1955 (son Daniel William Johnson died as infant. Lori Beth Johnson (26 Dec, 1961 – 18 June, 1985, Todd Lee Johnson (9 November, 1965 – 25 June, 2016). Odella married a Hester. Marilyn Jean married James McChesney (Jane Kelly and Karen Georgakas). Doris Johnson married Audun Odegaard on 17 Jan, 1963. Curtis Johnson (30 Dec, 1835 – 13 March, 2011) married Marilyn (born 1938). Ruth A. Johnson (1938 -) married James E. Maher on 21 Nov, 1956 in Seattle, WA. Richard Johnson (Hanson), no records. Gerald Roy Johnson Megalee (born 11 Mar, 1944 died 15 Feb 1979. He was adopted by Casper Einar and Olida Megalee, married Carolyn Mae Owens, no children. He served in Vietnam 1962 -1964. I have no information on Betty Johnson and Shirley Johnson.
- Pearl Judith Johnson (born 4 Jul, 1904 in Osakis, died 25 Nov, 1987 in Tillamook, OR) married Bertrum Anderson (1900 – 7 Nov, 1945) 28 May, 1925. In the 1930 census, Pearl and Bertum lived in Nelson Township, Douglas, MN. In the 1940 census, Pearl and Bertum lived in Gordon Township, Todd Co, MN with Robert 12, Theresa Pearl (3 Jan 1930 – 13 May, 2010) 10, Lorraine 9, Joanne 8, Jean 8 and Patricia 7.
- Norman Rudolf Johnson (3 Aug, 1906 – 1 Jan, 1991) married Vera Vidella Steinka (6 Nov, 1902 – 27 Feb, 1990) on 10 June, 1929. In the 1930 census, Norman and Vera live with newborn Norman E. in Osakis Village. Norman is a clerk at a gas station. In the 1940 census, the family lives in Burleene, Todd Co on a farm with Norman 10, Inez Janiece 7, Carol L 6 and Richard Dean 2. Norman Eugene, a veteran, died 1 May, 1965 in Stearns Co, he did not marry. Inez Janiece married Roy Elmer Carlson 23 June, 1952 in Wadena, MN. They had three children (Eric Arvid Carlson born 22 Sept, 1955).
- Jeffrey Milan Johnson (3 March, 1909 – 9 September, 1974) married Virgie Tresner 23 Feb, 1951 in Vancouver, King Co, WA. They are buried in Floral Hills Cemetery, no children.
- Lawrence Harold Johnson (12 September, 1910 – 2 May, 1979) married Josie Brakken 18 April, 1934. They had a single child who died as an infant, Josephine Lorraine Johnson.
- Roy Marvin Johnson (27 February, 1913 – 23 Jan, 1977) served in the Navy on the ship Brush in WWII. His next of kin on his registration card was Leland Smith, husband of older sister Carla. Roy married Jennie Olufine Branum on 2 June, 1946. They had a single daughter, Thelma Marie Johnson (married Francis L Bodeker).