Our Sorenson ancestors lived in Norway, north and east of Oslo in Southern Norway. They were farmers, and left Norway early in the emigration phase in the year 1865. Gunnard Sorenson, my great-great-grandfather came over first.
- Gladys Sorenson pictured outside of her house with Major, about 1954.
- Gramps was an all around pitcher, hitter and fielder.
- Albert and Gladys Sorenson celebrating their 50th anniversary in Minnesota (1988).
- This was a common sight during the war. Rubber was in short supply and new tires were unavailable. Gramps remembers once stopping three times on the six mile trip from town to fix flats!
- Janice, Al, Larry Eugene and Gladys Sorenson about 1941 in front of Long Lake.
- Jan is the driver with Larry in the back (1942). This is a fine team of horses, needed before the era of mechanization at the Sorenson farm.
- Albert and Gladys Sorenson in 1938.
- Grandpa Al is sandwiched between Gladys and Geolina Sorenson in Little Sauk, Minnesota.
- Gladys here pictured with their first cow in 1938.